Friday, September 27, 2013

Armasight Spark CORE Multi-Purpose Night Vision Monocular

Excellent resolution, useless without ir spot
First off, let me say that this unit is the best Gen-1 device I've ever worked with or studied. It has performed almost exactly as I expected, and I like this little unit. That being said:

This is the first gen-1 device I've seen that uses a ceramic core instead of glass, making it much more durable and with higher resolution than all the rest. It still uses a gen-1 grade light transferal system, so the light amplification is no better than your average gen-1+ unit. It does, however, greatly increase the quality and usefulness of the device when used in conjunction with an InfraRed illuminator. It also makes it weapons mountable. When used with an Eagletac T20C with 2nd gen. 3.4w IR module, I can just barely identify coyotes vs sheep at about 150 meters. When placed behind an Aimpoint CompM3, I have a hard time identifying anything out past about 80 meters. That being said, my alignment isn't quite perfect, so that may contribute some light loss...
very nice IR monocular
I was flat out impressed with this NV moncular. I have spent many hours on gaurd duty at night in a gun tower wearing my issue NODS and this little unit is not far off from them and this is an afffordable gen1 NV system. I feel that this unit out performs its pricee point and its Gen1 status. To say Gen1+ is safe and a bit of an understatment. Serious bang for your buck period.
Great Product
I did a lot of research for a night vision product. I only wanted to spend a couple hundred dollars on one. the ones that are less expensive dont have very good ratings and apparently have that fisheye look. meaning an area of not good clarity surrounding a smaller hole of good clarity. this is very clear all the way around. the next step up from this price range is going to add another grand to your total. dont need to do that if you are looking for something to use around the house or out on a couple acres of land. the infra red boost doesnt do a whole lot extra, you can see it come on and it will help a little for 25 feet out. You dont really need it if you have any type of light. great results. you cant imagine how many stars you cant see with the naked eye. point this up to the stars on a clear night. Awesome. Looking forward to some accessories for this. well worth the price.
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